Monday, November 3, 2008

How Much a Word Costs???

Something I wrote a few years ago ...

Standing in the middle of nowhere,
Walking under the sun, here and there.
Feeling restless, mind’s heavy,
Moon is one, though stars are many.
Want to say something,
But the words won’t support.
Damn, I’m so confused,
It’s like the connection’s lose.
It’s eating me out,
Can’t cry out loud.
What good be my words,
For them, I am just absurd.
Wanna ask just one thing,
Before I’m lost,
Damn it, tell me,
How much a word costs???

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Selfless or selfish?!?

A dictionary definition of selflessness is "showing unselfish concern for the welfare of others" and here unselfish means "disregarding your own advantages and welfare over those of others" ... easy isn't it!? No! Not at all ... there is no such thing as selflessness ... whatever we do ... wherever we go ... all those acts ... whether seemingly so or not ... are driven by selfishness.
It doesn't matter if you give charity ... it doesn't matter if you extend a hand for a noble cause ... everything is driven by selfish motives!
So, like, if you hurt yourself real bad just to stay away from someone, to protect them ... even that is not selfless ... infact this maybe THE MOST SELFISH act in the entire world! If you take a hit for someone who really doesn't know or care ... this still doesn't qualify for the same! Even if you bleed it out ... even if you suffocate ... even if it eats you all inside ... even if it takes away your sleep ... even if you become unresponsive to whatever is happening around you ... whatever the heck it is ... its damn selfish!