Tuesday, August 23, 2011

SAP IS-U :: Street Light Billing

Street Lights Billing
The blog covers the street light billing scenario based on burning hour method for determination of consumption and its billing.

Courtesy Sohail Ashraf 

Configurations Steps
       1. Define Operation Types for lighting
      The operation type specifies the type of lighting
      Menu Path: SPRO à SAP Utilities à Contract Billing à Billing Master Data àRate Structure à Operands à Lighting à Define Operation Types for Lighting

In our example, we have defined five types of lighting units as mentioned above.

      2. Define Type of Burning Hour Calendar Maintenance

      You can define whether the burning hour calendar will be maintained monthly or daily basis.

Menu Path: SPRO à SAP Utilities à Contract Billing à Billing Master Data àRate Structure à Operands à Lightingà Define Type of Burning Hour Calendar Maintenance

  • Burning hour calendar is maintained monthly
  • Burning hour calendar is maintained daily
In our example, we set the maint. Type to 0. It means that burning hours defined in the next step are for the whole month.

      3. Maintain Burning Hour Calendar
Menu Path: SPRO à SAP Utilities à Contract Billing à Billing Master Data àRate Structure à Operands à Lighting à Maintain Burning Hour Calendar

In this step, burning hours are defined for relevant operating types with the validity period.
For the purpose of billing, operand with category REFVALUE will be required to be assigned at installation for the purpose of storing the information with respect number of bulbs and KW’s.

Menu Path: SPRO à SAP Utilities à Contract Billing à Billing Master Data àRate Structure à Operands à Define Operands

Unit of measure is set to KW.
      5. Billing Class, Rate Category, and Rate Type
No special configuration is required in billing class and category. Whereas, rate type should permissible for rate category, facts and installation facts.

      6. Schema

Menu Path: SPRO à SAP Utilities à Contract Billing à Billing Master Data àRate Structure à Schemas à Define Schemas

In this step, rates are defined in the schema.

Variant REDVAL03 is used to determine the consumption in KWH. The formula is as follows:
STR_LIGHTS à Operand assigned at installation. Information regarding number of bulbs and KWs are store in the operand.
Number of Bulbs * KWs of each bulb * Number of burning hours = STR_LIG_QT (Quantity / Consumption in KWH)

Master Data Requirements
       Assignment of operand to installation.
  Put following values in billing-relevant data:
OperT: 0002
 Entry Value: This represents the capacity of bulb
Unit of Measure: KW
Rep. Factor: Represents the number of bulbs.

Once the above processes are complete, the system is ready for street light billing. Same process shall be followed as for any other scenario i.e. schedule record, create meter reading order and then billing.